Should we routinely use antibiotics post TPLO (Tibial Plateau leveling osteotomy)?
This post fits nicely with a previous post discussing the evidence hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy is the systematic review.
and look what we have from 2021...
"Efficacy of postoperative antibiotic use after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy in dogs: A systematic review", by Steven C. Budsberg Vet Surg.
This review answered the question really quite simply, and the answer is there is insufficient evidence to support the use of antibiotics in the postoperative period (note - this does not include peri-operative IV antibiotics which I use from 60 minute pre-incision, every 90 minutes until procedure completion).
In light of this evidence, be a good antibiotic steward and do not send patients home on antibiotics. Practice all the other SSI (surgical site infection) prevention strategies - there are many. If you rely on antibiotics, you are likely to just end up creating multi-resistant infections with no lower rate of SSIs in your practice.
Two other videos you may find useful are;
appropriate use of antibiotics
reducing surgical site infections