Specialist Small Animal Surgeon
About Dr Abbie Tipler
Dr Abbie Tipler is a Surgical Specialist at Veterinary Specialist Services, Brisbane. She graduated from Massey University in 2005 and soon after graduation discovered her passion for surgery. This took her to London where she worked for several years in a combined general practice/orthopaedic referral practice.
In 2011 she moved to Sydney and sat her ANZCVS Memberships in Small Animal Surgery and in 2016 was chosen as head examiner for Memberships in surgery. She is an active member of the surgical chapter and a regular attendee at surgical conferences world-wide including ACVS, ANZCVS Science Week and BVOA. She is a member of AO VET. Abbie has spent time seeing practice or completing externship at some of the top veterinary universities including UC Davis and Bristol University.

In 2017 she founded the Small Animal Surgery Discussion Page for world-wide surgical discussion which has thousands of veterinary members. In 2018 she was the recipient of the ANZCVS travel grant for services to the Surgery Chapter.
In 2022 she passed her ANZCVS Fellowship examinations in Small Animal Surgery. She has been actively involved in charities such as Pets in the Park, Elephants Rhinos People, Greyhound Rescue and Cantoo. She lives in Saint Lucia, Brisbane with her husband, two young children and three ragdoll cats.
What is a specialist? A specialist is a qualified veterinarian who has undergone intensive further training in a specific field. After many years of training (generally over a period of 5-6 years), candidates sit a rigorous examination process. To even be eligible to sit these examinations, you need to have accumulated hundreds of hours of surgical training within a specialist hospital, speaking credits and publications in veterinary journals.
2005 Bachelor of Veterinary Science
2010 Memberships in Small Animal Surgery
2022 Fellowships in Small Animal Surgery